Preventing Facial Injuries

Categories: Cosmetic Dentistry

St. Louis Sports Dentistry Facial injuries occur all too often in the St. Louis area. Hazelwood Little Leaguers get hit by inside pitches, St. Charles construction workers suffer falls and other accidents at the worksite, and Missouri motorists sustain injuries in collisions every single day. Accidents at home can also result in serious injury to the face.

Serious facial injuries can affect the victim’s ability to eat, breathe, and speak. Because of the essential physical processes at risk, a person who has suffered a facial injury should receive medical care as soon as possible. Injuries to the mouth are treated by general dentists and oral and maxillofacial surgeons.

At Koch Park Dental – Martin L. Buchheit, DDS, we strongly advocate the use of protective equipment for every type of sport, whether it is a team sport or individual activity. Call us at 314-837-7744 for mouthguard recommendations regarding your (or your child’s) specific sport.

Likewise, the St. Louis workplace injury rate can be reduced with increased use of appropriate protective equipment and adherence to safety procedures. With respect to Florissant motor vehicle injuries, the following instructions bear repetition: Wear your seatbelt and don’t send or read text messages while driving!

If you have suffered a recent injury to your face, mouth or jaw, schedule a dental consultation with Martin Buchheit of Koch Park Dental – Martin L. Buchheit, DDS. If you are having dental problems (functional or aesthetic) due to an untreated past injury, I can also develop an effective treatment plan.

My office is located at 2149 Charbonier Rd. in Florissant.

Martin L. Buchheit, DDS.