What Is Laser Dentistry?

Affordable St. Louis Tooth Whitening

The word “LASER” is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. A laser device emits a powerful, highly concentrated beam of light. (Didn’t we all love the amazing laser weapons in ‘Star Wars?’) Lasers are used in hundreds of applications in almost every Missouri industry including communications, research, manufacturing, entertainment, and medicine. […]

3 Behind-The-Scenes Dental Advances For Missouri

Crown lengthening Ballwin

Ballwin dental patients who have undergone a smile redesign are probably aware of the latest cosmetic dental procedures popular in the St. Louis area. These include metal-free fillings, porcelain veneers, invisible braces, implant-anchored dentures, and inlays/onlays. Today’s Ballwin dental post focuses on some nifty dentistry advances that are used behind-the-scenes to benefit Ballwin dentists and […]

Smile More, Live Better! Cosmetic Dentistry in Chesterfield MO

cosmetic dentistry in Chesterfield MO

If you think you have an unattractive smile, you may not smile very often. Perhaps you make a deliberate effort to refrain from smiling in social and professional settings. Cosmetic dentistry from Town and Country Cosmetic Dentistry and Implant Center can make a difference. In addition to making us happier, smiling supports our quality of […]