Chipped Tooth in Chesterfield? No Need To Panic

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There are two ways to handle a chipped tooth:
1. Panic.
2. See Dr. Martin Buchheit right away and get on with life.

At Town and Country Cosmetic Dentistry & Implant Center, we can fix a chipped tooth in a jiffy by determining the right solution and expertly performing the procedure. Decay, missing teeth, braces, and even crowns can impact the course of treatment.

When Florissant residents need cosmetic dentistry, we’ve successfully managed their treatment. When St. Charles patients have needed general dentistry, we’ve watched happy, smiling patients leave our office. And when you need cosmetic dentistry, we are pleased with the opportunity to make a true believer out of you!

We offer Invisalign, restorative dentistry, dental implants, and root canals. Trust Dr. Buchheit to deliver exceptional results. No panic. No mistakes. No worries.


Contact Town and Country Cosmetic Dentistry and Implant Centers:



14377 Woodlake Dr Ste 205
Chesterfield, Missouri